miércoles, 2 de enero de 2008

Un espacio para compartir / A Place to Share

Cree este blog para contar con un espacio donde compartir mis experiencias e ideas. Habiendo vivido y trabajado en tantas partes no tenia manera de mantener a todos mis amigos y familiares al dia con mis ultimas aventuras.
I created this blog for me to have a place where to share my experiences and ideas. Having worked amd lived in so many different places I had no other way of keeping my family and friends up-to-date with my comings and goings.

Me estoy mudando de Chile a Panama luego de un proceso mas largo de lo esperado. Mi mudanza esta planeada para marzo del 2008. Este cambio no ha sido facil, pues dejo en Chile algunas de las personas mas gentiles y regias que he conocido. Igualmente, se han abierto oportunidades en Peru que no habia anticipado al momento de poner este proceso en marcha. Tal vez sea que ya le tome el gustillo al vagabundeo.
I'm moving from Chile to Panama after a much longer process than expected. I hope to be settled in Panama by March 2008. This move have been anything but easy, in particular as I leave behind a great group of friends. In addition, job opportunities have opened up in Peru which I didn't anticipate. I guess I've taken a fancy to endless wandering.

Como parte de mis andanzas del 2007, complete un diplomado en psicologia politica en la Universidad de Stanford. Entre muchas cosas, aprendi que para ser "feliz" en la vida hay que tener resueltas al menos tres cosas: saber donde vivir, saber que hacer y tener con quien hacerlo. Se hace evidente que estoy en graves problemas ;-) . En el 2007 tambien sufri en Chile una de las peores experiencias de mi vida, incidente ya superado que me ha marcado bastante.

As part of my 2007 adventures, I completed Certificate in Political Psychology at Stanford University. Among many things, I learned that to become "happy" in life you need to have settled at least three things: know where to live, know what to do, and have someone to share it all with. I'm in big trouble ;-). In 2007 I also suffered one of the worst personal experiences in my life, event that, although left behind, will continue to haunt me.

Creo que el 2008 portenta muchas oportunidades y que en mi cabeza varias cosas difusas han comenzado a tomar forma (ya era hora!).

I believe that 2008 will bring a lot of opportunities and in my mind several things about my future are beginning to gel together (about time!)

Espero que entonces compartan conmigo estos tiempos "interesantes". Paciencia.

I hope then that you share this "interesting" times with me. Patience.

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